Ryu’s Twitch Streaming Schedule

This will be the weekly streaming schedule going forth. Games will be changed as I complete them. All times are GMT/BST, and subject to the whims of life and family.  Check you regional times HERE.

My Twich Channel can be found over on Twitch, a You Tube channel will come in the future.


Monday – 15:00-19:00, 21:00-04:00
Game: Paradox Day*

Tuesday – 15:00-19:00, 21:00-04:00
Game: The Division – Ubisoft

Wednesday – 15:00-21:00
Game: Tokyo Xanadu eX+

Friday – 15:00-19:00, 21:00-04:00
Game – Omega Quintet

Saturday – 12:00-Till I Collapse
Game: Paradox Day*

Sunday – 15:00-Till I Collapse
Game: Random/Sponsored

*Paradox Day is where i’ll play random games from the Dev/Pub Paradox. Such as EU4, CK2, Skylines and others.

Author: Ryu Sheng